Change your health and wellness through the Empowerment Series. We target mind, body and soul through Summit Transformation Therapy, Balanced Nutrition, and movement through workouts, and yoga. If you are ready to take your health and wellness to the next level and stop dieting for good, this program is for you! This is what you get: Month 1: Empower the Mind through Subconscious Release Therapy. In this month we will take old programming and limiting thoughts and change them to actually help you be successful. This powerful tool can help you truly believe that you can and WILL be successful. The brain is powerful and what you believe is your truth. Is your brain working for you right now or against you? Let me help you make it work for you for Ultimate Success! We will start menu planning and have an optional cleanse during month 1. Month 2: Focused nutrition, grocery shopping, education, menu planning, eating out at restaurants, travel practice, everything you need to make healthy eating a lifestyle. Month 3: Movement. What do you need to focus on? Mental health through yoga and breath work, weight training, Cardio training? This month we complete your program with movement to strengthen the muscles, spike the metabolism and put everything together in your program to truly make this a program you can keep working at and finally reach your goals! Why 3 months? What I have found with my clients is that 6 wks my clients were just getting started. They needed more
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